Dental Implants in Walnut Creek, CA

Many Americans suffer tooth loss at any point in life. The reasons could be tooth decay, injury, or gum disease. Previously there used to be limited options for people with missing teeth. All that has changed with dental implants, delivering an effective solution for tooth loss. At Ygnacio Dental in Walnut Creek, California, we provide advanced dental implants to restore your smile aesthetics and mouth functions.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a false tooth root that helps improve smile appearance and provides a solid foundation for your prosthetic tooth. These innovative restorations can replace a damaged or lost tooth or act as an anchor for a denture or bridge.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants provide several benefits. They:

  • Restore the aesthetics of your smile,
  • Help you regain your lost self-esteem and confidence, 
  • Provide a strong foundation for dental bridges and dentures,
  • Can last the rest of your life with efficient care, 
  • Preserve your facial and jawbone structure,
  • Prevent the risk of additional tooth loss, 
  • Restore everyday speech and eating abilities, 
  • Improve many aspects of oral hygiene, and
  • Reinstate the support system of an entire row of teeth.

Who Would Need Dental Implants?

Patients who need dental implants usually:

  • Lost a tooth due to decay, infections, or trauma
  • Suffer bone loss in their jawbone due to the absence of natural teeth
  • Want a natural-looking restoration to restore the missing tooth

What Is the Procedure of a Dental Implant?

The dental implant process has several steps. After a preliminary consultation consisting of a comprehensive exam and 3D scans, a treatment plan is designed with a clear vision of the renovated smile. 

Before the procedure, your mouth will be numbed with a local anesthetic, and an incision is made in your gums to place the metal implant into the jawbone in place of the missing tooth. On completion of the procedure, the gums are closed over the implant.

A couple of months are allowed for the implant to graft with the surrounding bone tissues in the mouth. Once the grafting is complete, an abutment is attached to the implant, a connecting piece supporting the prosthetic tooth. Finally, a customized dental restoration such as a crown is placed over the abutment.

At Ygnacio Dental in California, we provide dental implants to make your smile look complete and rehabilitated. To learn more, visit our office at 1766 Lacassie Ave # 101, Walnut Creek, CA 945961, or call us at (253) 638-9955.


1766 Lacassie Ave # 101,
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

Office Hours

MON - WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm


FRI - SAT8:00 am - 5:00 pm
