Emergency Dentistry in Walnut Creek, CA

Dental emergencies can occur all of a sudden. It is essential to remain calm and contact Ygnacio Dental in Walnut Creek, CA, at the earliest. We work to accommodate dental emergencies into our schedule the same day for your convenience and comfort. In case of heavy bleeding or injury to other parts of your face, seek emergency room care.

When facing a dental emergency, the first action you should always do is give us a call right away. We will schedule your procedures as soon as possible to take care of you. If you have any one of the following conditions below, here are a few tips about what you can do to help until you reach our office:

Severe Tooth Pain

Pain that is sudden and intense is not something that you can ignore. An abscess or severe tooth decay often causes tooth pain. If you can spot an abscess, don’t try to prick or pop it. Use over-the-counter pain medication to manage pain and an ice pack to ease any swelling until you receive emergency care.

Knocked-Out Tooth

It is imperative that you don’t panic when your tooth is knocked out or has fallen out. If you can, recover the tooth, but be sure to not touch the tooth root. Pick it up only by the top surface. Smoothly rinse the tooth but make sure not to scrub it. Doing so can harm any exposed nerves. If possible, place the tooth in a container of milk or your cheek to keep it hydrated and preserve it as efficiently as possible. Don’t try to place the tooth back in the socket on your own.

If your tooth can be salvaged, our dentists may be able to place it back in your oral cavity. However, that’s not always possible, and the tooth can only be sustainable for so long. If this is the case, we can provide many other replacement options for missing teeth in our office. 

Broken Dental Restoration

Dental crowns and bridges are considered to be robust restorations. But breakage can always take place. If you crack or lose a dental crown, never try to put it back in your mouth, as it may not always be possible to put the same dental crown back. Instead, we will create a new crown to replace the one you lost.

As for dental bridges, bring all of the pieces with you to your appointment. We will conclude if it can be repaired or if an entirely new restoration should be fabricated for you.

If you have a dental emergency, immediately visit Ygnacio Dental at 1766 Lacassie Ave # 101, Walnut Creek, CA 945961, or call at (925) 280-2848 and schedule an appointment.


1766 Lacassie Ave # 101,
Walnut Creek, CA 94596

Office Hours

MON - WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm


FRI - SAT8:00 am - 5:00 pm
